Upcoming 13th Edition: Our Irish heritage - What's in a name?

The 13th edition of the Carnival of Irish Heritage & Culture will feature Irish names: both surnames and given names.

Share with us the surnames in your Irish family tree, but don't just stop there. Do a little research and tell us the origin of one or more of those surnames, the stories of how they might have changed over the years, or tales of how they've been mixed up and mispelled, etc.

Want to focus on your family's given names instead? Share with us the story of your ancestors' Irish first names (given at birth or nicknamed later), the "grandparent" nicknames in your Irish family tree, or any other Irish name stories that you'd like to share.

Deadline for submissions to the Irish Names edition of the carnival is Sunday, May 24, 2009. This edition will be published at Small-leaved Shamrock on Wednesday, May 27, 2009 .

Looking forward to calling you by name at our next carnival!

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